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The client has permission to make unlimited copies and reprints of any images, for personal use and

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full copyright to all images provided.


Please credit Rachel Robertson Photography to images posted online (Facebook, Instagram, blogs, profile

photos, etc.)


I strongly recommend that you take your files to a high quality, semi professional lab to be printed, and

that you back your digital files up in several locations (external hard drives, memory sticks, discs, etc). Please

note that drives can fail over a number of years.


Rachel Robertson Photography warrants that all files of high resolution and have been adjusted for color

and tone. They are the same files that the studio uses to make prints, and no watermarks, sizing, or other

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Rachel Robertson Photography is not responsible for any future changes in digital technology or media

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make sure that the digital files are copied to new media as required by changes in technology.


Rachel Robertson Photography does not guarantee to permanently archive images. It is the responsibility of

the client to maintain any permanent archives of the images.


Rachel Robertson, owner


P.O. Box 25091 Honolulu, HI 96825

phone: 808.352.1602


While in New Zealand a few weeks ago, I had the chance to photograph Natacha and Gareth who were just married the week before. We did the shoot on the edge of Auckland harbor on a volcanic headland called North Head. The spot was amazing, with a series of military tunnels, bunkers, and a great view of the harbor. Thanks Natacha for the great recommendation!


I feel like this shoot was one of those perfect days, with a great location, a great couple and great lighting.

This shoot marked the last day of a really amazing trip, I can’t wait to go back!

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Phone: 808-352-1602


All images and text © Rachel Robertson Photography. No photographers were harmed in the making of this site.